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A Palindrom describes a word, which (mostly regardless of upper/lower case) read backwards (i.e. the last character first) has a meaning too, sometimes even the same.

Relevance for lyrics

Because of its effect in both directions, the palindrome can be interpreted as an abstract lyrical representation of symmetry. If the palindrome has a different meaning when spelled backwards, a special character, which is to be interpreted as a symmetrical point (point reflection), can be used to draw attention to this property when reading: madamimadam.madamimadam. Mirroring the text for indication is also possible.

How recitation can achieve similar emphasis by appropriate emphasis is open.

In general, palindromes cannot be translated.

en/palindrom.1548455381.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2021/04/21 09:52 (Externe Bearbeitung)